Our next IFAA forum will be on Monday 19 August from 17:30 to 19:30 and will take a look at the crisis in Brazil with Benjamin Fogel.
As the Brazilian musician Tom Jobim famously said, “Brazil is not for beginners” and thankfully we have an expert to help us navigate Brazil’s crisis. In this forum Benjamin Fogel, a historian of Brazil and journalist, will attempt to breakdown the Brazilian crisis from Lava Jato to Bolsonaro’s election and its lessons for South Africa. Brazil’s crisis has been driven by arcane anticorruption politics, competing conspiracies, economic stagnation and covert forces pushing political polarisation. Sounds familiar, right?
About the speaker:
Currently based in São Paulo, Benjamin Fogel is a PhD candidate in Latin American history at New York University and is a contributing editor for Jacobin magazine and website Africa is a Country.
Take a look at our Facebook event here or else RSVP to Shamielah on admin@ifaaza.org