IFAA is committed to advancing progressive alternatives to our social and economic system based on the principles of equality, non-racialism, self-reliance and democracy.
Since 2013, IFAA has developed a research expertise on industrial policy in South Africa and the rest of Africa.
IFAA’s research aims to guide national and regional policymakers in formulating policy to overcome commodity dependence and achieve rapid industrialisation and broad economic development.
IFAA is committed to advancing progressive alternatives to our social and economic system based on the principles of equality, non-racialism, self-reliance and democracy.
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Media & Publications
IFAA has a range of publications outside of New Agenda.
We publish and republish books and short pamphlets on topics ranging from social and economic policy to revolutionary history and philosophy.
IFAA has hosted several events focusing on pressing socioeconomic and political issues confronting South African and African society at large.
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