
Editorial Essay 

’Democracy of a Special Type’?
Persistent world-class inequality
By Gregory Ruiters

Looking back on the past 

Nostalgia as a weapon … 
… and also a way to bring back the dream
By Ari Sitas

SA’s economy’s decline 

Persistent and obscene inequality
A post-apartheid policy choice
By Seeraj Mohamed

Private sector economic crime 

Corporate corruption of South African politics and economics
‘Accumulation by dispossession’ as a structural process, beyond ‘state capture’
By Patrick Bond

From UDF to ANC 

The de-mobilisation of Action Kommandant
The United Democratic Front, popular democracy and the ANC
By Robert Van Niekerk

Feminisation of labour 

Unemployment, poverty and inequality in SA
as seen through a feminist political-economy lens
By Sbusisiwe Sibeko

News from the continent 

Dateline Africa
Looking back on the past 30 years in ten countries beyond SA

Social welfare 

The idea of a ‘social protection floor’ for South Africa
Developing an approach for social justice and inclusion
Edited by New Agenda from the work of Viviene Taylor

Reflecting on 30 years 

As we celebrate, we indict
A personal reflection on thirty years of democracy by a rank-and-file activist
By Shepi Mati

The good and the bad

South Africa after 30 years
Still a nation of two economies
By Roland Ngam

30 years of a ‘People’s Parliament’

Looking to the past to shape Parliament’s future
Yunus Carrim says hamba kahle, after 30 years in the House
By Moira Levy

Citizen voices 

What does it mean to be ‘progressive’ in South Africa today?
Viewpoints from civil society
By the New Agenda team


Laughter in the Dark:
Egypt to the Tune of Change
Yasmine El Rashidi An extract

Statues and Storms:
Leading through Change
Review by Linda Chisholm