New Agenda Journal

New Agenda is a South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy and IFAA’s flagship publication. New Agenda aims to bring solid, policy-relevant research to the public in an accessible and intelligible form.

The journal's mission is to promote alternative ideas on social, ecological and economic transformation and to challenge inequalities based on race, gender, class, ethnicity and caste, among others, as impediments to a just and democratic society. The journal encompasses South African, African and international developments in social and economic research and policy. We aim to provide high-quality pertinent information and analysis for people in government, academia and civil society. We are dedicated to promoting democratic participation in economic, social and political life.

New Agenda has been in existence for over two decades.

Latest Edition


Call for papers

Submit articles to New Agenda here

Visit our Call for Papers and Author Guidelines and follow the submission instructions provided.

New Agenda's Editorial Collective requires submissions to meet academic standards and welcomes original research.  Opinion pieces will be considered for publication as commentary. All research and scholarly submissions will be subject to online, double blind peer review. Articles must be submitted in English.

New Agenda is accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training and is listed in the Department's Index of Approved South African Journals.

It is an Open Access journal that is published in accordance with Creative Commons License CC-BY-4.0.

New Agenda is a Diamond Open Access Journal that does not charge any fees for authors or readers or for article processing.



New Agenda Archive

Browse all previous editions of New Agenda in the New Agenda Archive.
New Agenda Archive

New Agenda Editorial Board

  • Dr Juan Manuel Arbona (Universidad Mayor de San Andres, Bolivia)

  • Prof. Amiena Bayat (University of Western Cape)

  • Prof. Rémi Bazillier (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) 

  • Emeritus Prof. Anthony Black (University of Cape Town)

  • Prof. Risikat Dauda (University of Lagos, Nigeria)

  • Prof. Mulugeta Dinbabo (University of Western Cape)

  • Prof. Mondli Hlatshwayo (University of Johannesburg)

  • Prof. Razack Karriem (University of Western Cape)
  • Prof. Julian May (University of Western Cape)

  • Dr Sudeshna Mitra (Indian Institute for Human Settlements) 

  • Dr Phiona Mpanga (Makerere University, Uganda)

  • Prof. Dafe Otobo (University of Lagos)

  • Prof. Steven Robins (Stellenbosch University)

  • Dr Mike Smith (University of Cape Town)

  • Dr Tzehainesh Tekle (University of Ferrara, Italy)

Contact Us

The Editorial Collective is composed of:
  • Emeritus Prof Ari Sitas (Editor in Chief)
  • Dr Martin Nicol (Editor)
  • Ms Moira Levy (Production Editor)

If you have any queries, please send them to