IFAA Statement Re: Resignation by President Zuma
The Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA) welcomes the resignation of President Jacob Zuma and believes it is long overdue. The public and private life of Jacob Zuma since the Schabir Shaik trial has been filled with misconduct and dubious practices. His record as a senior person in government has been controversial and filled with difficulties. His leadership of the ANC has also led to many distortions of ANC policy, values and traditions and the party will now have to correct those.
The Institute for African Alternatives has tried to develop good policies despite these national setbacks. We have done our best to do policy research and to produce a serious quarterly journal, New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy, under trying conditions where telling the truth has sometimes been difficult.
We now look forward to the presidency of Cyril Ramaphosa, a man who has shown enormous acumen in handling the transition from Jacob Zuma. He has exercised great patience and wisdom in controlling a party which has difficulties in the top leadership and in many of it’s lower structures.
We look forward to making a small contribution to policy clarity and research in social and economic areas in the coming period and to making a positive contribution to the future.
Statement issued by Director Professor Ben Turok and Deputy Director Mr Michael Nassen Smith
*Please see signed PDF of statement here