Topic: Institute for African Alternatives’ COVID 19 AND THE CREATIVE INDUSTRIES
Time: Mar 31, 2021 03:00 PM Harare, Pretoria
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Meeting ID: 838 6336 0229
Passcode: 414155
The Institute for African Alternatives invites you to an online discussion forum on Wednesday 31st March 2021 entitled “Covid-19 and the Creative Industries”.
We invited a number of artists to speak to us about how the pandemic has challenged them and to reflect on the strategies they have used to cope with the absence of performance spaces and entertainment venues. We have also asked them to reflect on how they feel about the support or non-support the state has made available to artists at this challenging time. These include 2019 Standard Bank Young Artist winner Mandla Mlangeni, renowned bassist Peter Ndlala and Koko Nkalashe, producer of Jazz in the Native Yards.
Please do join us for this critical discussion.